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Marco Roberto Capelli (or Marco R. Capelli) was born in 1971 in Modena (Italy).
Writer, translator, lyrics writer and
He lived and worked in Ireland, USA and
Spain, so he speaks and writes more or
less correctly in Italian, English and
At the moment he works as I.T. tech and
in the (very little) spare times he tries
to write.
He's also the chief editor (and founder)
free literary magazine whose website has
received135.016.305 clicks since 2002.
He is member of SIAE (Italian
Author's Society) since 2003 and writes
lyrics for two Metal Groups: Martiria and Power Project (see discography).
He has written several short stories,
reviews and articles that have been published
by literary magazines. He's now working
at his first novel.
Il gigante (The
Giant short novel) Ediz. Il Club degli
Autori (1998); Gli
Dei (The Gods short story)
is part of the anthology "Abitando
il racconto" (ISBN 88-8167-227-8); La strada (The road short
story) is part of the anthology "N.O.I.R.
Quindici passi nel buio" (Edizioni
TraccEDIverse 2005 ISBN 88-89862-14-9); Risonanza
(Resonance short story) was published
on FUTURO EUROPA 44 (Perseo Editore Bologna
2006); Dossier: Le riviste letterarie (Literary
magazines a brief introduction article)
was published on WMI (Writers Magazine Italia)
n.4 (Delos Editore) La strega (The
witch short story) Originally published in the antology Le
Vendicatrici (Cut-Up Edizioni
2013 ISBN:9788895246314), also available on Amazon Kindle.
The e-book"Il
gigante ed altre storie tristi"(The Giant and other sad stories)
downloaded more than 5'000 copies from the website (now closed).
As editor/translator: Da
D'Annunzio a Pirandello di Mario
Puccini (together with Carlo Santulli
and Francisco Josè Diaz) - Ediz.
Fondazione Rosellini (2007)
Project: Dinosaurs (Powerzone Records IT 2006).
The group is composed by:
Carl Sentance (ex Krokus, voice), Carlos
Cavazo (ex Quiet Riot, guitar), Jeff Pilson
(ex Dokken, bass) and Vinny Appice (ex
Black Sabbath, he also worked with John
Lennon and Yoko
in questo elenco NON compaiono i testi
inseriti prima dell'automatizzazione
del sistema, nè materiale fuori-standard
come interviste, rubriche etc.
in questo elenco NON compaiono i testi
inseriti prima dell'automatizzazione
del sistema, nè materiale fuori-standard
come interviste, rubriche etc.
IMPORTANTE: Il presente sito non costituisce testata giornalistica, non assume carattere periodico e viene aggiornato senza regolarità ogni qualvolta se ne presenti la necessità
ovvero secondo
la reperibilità e disponibilità dei contenuti e delle informazioni. Pertanto, il presente sito non può essere in alcun modo considerato testata
giornalistica assoggettabile
agli obblighi previsti dall’articolo 5 della legge n. 47 del 1948.